Research plan

Doctoral students must write a research plan before the end of their first enrolment year


A research plan is a document that briefly defines the research activity that will take place and guides the student through the process. This document must be delivered during the first year.

The research plan must be publicly defended in front of an examination pannel during the first or second year, depending on the programme.

During the first year of enrolment. Without the research plan the yearly evaluation will be non satisfactory.

Threre are two options depending on the programme:

  • Delivery during the first year and defense during the second year
  • Delivery and defense during the first year

Public defenses are grouped into two time periods:

  • June (for students enrolled for the first time in September)
  • February (for students enrolled for the first time in February during the extraordinary enrolment period)

You can consult the calendar for Research Project presentation to the secretary of the program>.

The public defense consists of an oral exposition of the written Research Plan during no more than 15-20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute time for questioning or commenting on the part of the examination pannel. The mark will be either "Satisfactory" or "Non satisfactory”.

The examination pannel will consist of three doctors, two belonging to the Doctoral programme and a third one foreign to the programme (neither the director of the thesis, nor the supervisor will be part of the pannel).

In case of receiving a "Non satisfactory" mark, the Doctoral Commission can offer the student up to 6 months to make the necessary amends.